Unlimited Clients. Unlimited Projects.

Minute-2-Minute Gives You More Control
Over Billing and Cash Flow

Minute-2-Minute Features


AutoTrak™ Timer

Internal, high-accuracy timer records your work duration. Option to time to the exact second or round up to the next minute.
timer display

Timer Display

Choose between two timer styles to maximize your available workspace. Or minimize the timer to the task bar or system tray.

Pause/Resume Timing

Interrupted by a phone call or other distraction? One mouse click freezes timing until you're ready to resume work or switch clients.
stop timer

Walk-Away Auto-Stop

If you step away from the computer and forget to pause timing, the optional Auto-Stop feature stops timing when there's no keyboard or mouse activity.
document changes

Document Your Work

Each time segment recorded has its own comments section where your work can be explained. Enter as much or as little detail as desired.

Email Invoices

At first of the month or on demand -- anytime --, send your invoices via email as a PDF attachment. All with just a single button click.

Created for Independent Contractors

If you work at your computer as a freelance contractor, you've probably found it can be challenging to keep accurate records for each project. Generating a billing invoice at the end of the month or when a project is completed can be time-consuming, even using a third-party spreadsheet or bookkeeping program.
We created Minute-2-Minute specifically to solve these problems. And then we added more. Like the ability to analyze your work flow and graphically track your revenue. Analyze exactly how much revenue is being generated and determine ways to improve your revenue stream.
Minute-2-Minute is personal software that resides on your Windows PC. There are no monthly fees or recurring charges. Purchase Minute-2-Minute once and use it forever, with free updates for life. Unlike "cloud-based" timing systems, an internet connection is not required after your initial setup.

Customize Your Invoices

The appearance of your invoices is important. That's why we've designed Minute-2-Minute to be flexible. You can include just the right amount of invoice detail individually by client and project.
Choose from a summary or "cover" invoice, project invoice, and/or a time detail statement. These can be selected in any combination with a number of sub options controlling the amount of detail included.
The optional time segment detail converts all your work notes into a chronological work history. This is a great feature for those clients demanding detailed accounting of your time.
Minute-2-Minute "remembers" your invoice options for each client and project.
Minute-2-Minute box image

Try Minute-2-Minute -- FREE 45-Day Trial

We invite you to try Minute-2-Minute for 45 days on us. This is the full version of the program with all the features, nothing held back. It gives you the opportunity to explore Minute-2-Minute and determine if it works for you.
There is no obligation, and we don't even ask for your email when downloading the 45-day trial (so you know you'll never receive any spam from us!). If you like Minute-2-Minute, purchase a license and own it forever. No renewal fees or any additional charges -- ever.